Main filter unit.
The main unit have in the lower left corner the intake into a
chamber filled with filter wadding to take the big particles.
The first chamber have a bottom plate that can absorb acid if that should condense inside the first chamber.
The next chamber is a HEPA filter with 99,95% effective particle filtering.
On top of the Hepa filter sits a tray (not on the picture) filled with active carbon pellets 300mm x 300mm x 50mm.
The next stage is 2 active carbon cylinders 450mm x 150mm
Last chamber is the air output.
Lindab 100mm fittings
The filter boxes is sealed with silicone in all joints.

The first chamber filled with filter wadding. Carbon filter cylinders is from Dansk filter Focus.

Hepa filter from the company Dansk Filter Fokus.

The small active carbon tray, that sits ontop of the hepa filter.

The carbon pellets, also used in the cylinders. The pellets is sold in 25Kg bags, so it is easy to change the pellets when needed.

Second Filter Unit. The second filter unit is equipped with 3 active carbon filter cylinders.

Lots of black silicone. Lindab 160mm fittings.

Rubber gaskets.

The carbon cylinders have 3 tabs that is used to lock the cylinder in to the plate. (not used in this filter box).

The finished filter cabinet.

3 aktive carbon cylinders.

Bottom intake chamber, with more filter wadding.

The Lindab suction motor. The air quality sensor can be seen by the blue air tubes. MQ135 sensor.

The blue hose and the air valves to two of the lasers.

Blue hoses on the intake side. cheaper hose on the air output. The red blower is not connected, the yellow is suction on the output side of the filter. To assist the Lindab motor when needed.

Valve for the third laser, and there can be seen a small carbon filter on the water line to filter the water before the 80W lasertube The Laser have top and bottom suction..

The air quality logger, with max and min readings with 75 minutes log time. Logged values is relative, measured against clean filters.

Manual diff. pressure measuring device with red fluid for the hepa filter. When not equal, filter is dirty or no pressure.

My hacked juice machine, now a very effektive laser water cooler system with UV light filter.

The green tube is the UV filter 7W light tube.

Some type of the filter wadding used.